Last week, Claire-claire saw some chocolates left on my Yee-yee's table. So when she was not looking, Claire-claire grabbed as many as I could and squeezed as many as my tiny mouth can hold. Emmm! Claire-claire has never tried them before but chocolates are yummy! No wonder my Yee-yee doesn't want to share them with me.
Very quickly and quietly, Claire-claire hid in a corner to eat them. Unfortunately, my Ah-ma came to check on Claire-claire! Arrgh!!! Ah-ma saw my chocolated-laced mouth and those in my hands. In a flash, my Yee-yee and Ah-ma took the two in my hands. And dug four out from my mouth! Never mind that, Claire-claire still have one hidden deep inside. Let's run away with it!
Oh no! Here comes my Ah-ma! did she know I have one more? Claire-claire struggled to keep my mouth shut, but in vain. Now, Claire-claire has none...
(Note from Claire-claire's papa: There are no photos because all hands are needed on deck. You probably can imagine all this happened in a flash.)
But Claire-claire has a photo! Everybody! Please help Claire-claire keep a lookout for this next time!