Claire-claire wonders when he will teach it to me.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Claire-claire wonders when he will teach it to me.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Santa at school
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Papa's new toy
Claire-claire likes my papa's new toy.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Hand Foot Mouth!
My mama was very sad when Dr Vanessa estimated at least twenty ulcers in Claire-claire's mouth on Tuesday. Claire-claire realised soon that this meant she could hardly drink milk, let alone eat my favourite food - fishballs and mushrooms. It was so painful that Claire-claire didn't even suck my thumb in the night!
Fortunately, Claire-claire recovered faster than expected. Today, Claire-claire ate all my porridge and even asked for an apple, a fig and an almond! My mama is quite pleased. My papa and mama told me that they are very proud that Claire-claire is a hardy and resillient little girl.
Hopefully, this means that Claire-claire can go out and play next weekend.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Claire-claire goes to playschool
My papa brought me to the first one the previous Saturday. Claire-claire didn't like it. Neither did my papa. Yesterday, my papa brought me to another playschool. This time, Claire-claire enjoyed it much more. We learnt about the letter "M", monkeys and 猴子and all things related to it. Claire-claire also did some artwork and my papa took a photo to show it to you...

At the end of the class, Claire-claire sang and danced and was comfortable enough to venture away from my papa.

Claire-claire wants to be back next week. My papa and mama are glad that Claire-claire likes this playschool. My mama is especially happy that the hunt is over.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Jacob Ballas Children's Garden

This water play area is another fun spot. You have to work the pumps before water gushes out. Claire-claire tried her hand at one of them and helped to water the grass around the area.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Two Today

3. Go to the toilet to wee-wee on my own (but there are ocasional
4. Remove and keep my shoes on top of the shoes cabinet
18. Share my toys (some) with Caden.
19. Turn on my favorite CD/VCD/DVD
20. Keep my toys, CD/VCD/DVD after use.
21. Browse through five books in a row every night.
2. Calls "papa". And "mama" only in dire straits
3. Says Ice-ss- (for ice-cream)
4. Recognise some alphabets: A,B,C,D,E,R and O (my favourites are B, E and O)
6. Says uh-oh when Claire-claire is some kind of trouble
Thursday, September 25, 2008
After saying our goodbyes to our new animal friends, we started a long ride to a seaside town. Claire-claire didn't like it as it was boring and hot and the sun was mostly shining on my side of the car.
Things became better when we arrived at the seaside town. First, we celebrated our arrival with the creamiest honey comb ice-cream. Mmm..yummy..Next, we visited the playground and later, the miniature village where Claire-claire was intrigued by the train that went round and round.

It is a new experience for Claire-claire to be in a cold place. Perhaps Claire-claire will remember this holiday when I'm a big girl.
The Little Farm-Hand
Claire-claire tried to be helpful on Uncle David's farm by supervising my mama as she feed Bob, the horse. Well, Bob is really big and tall, and Claire-claire is a little frightened of him.
The sheep and black alpaca were less intimidating, so Claire-claire was brave enough to feed them dried grass and even patted them! Claire-claire also had a chat with the friendly goats.By the rabbits' turn, Claire-claire was a seasoned farm-hand and could feed them all by myself.
It's not all about animal feeding on the farm. Claire-claire also learnt how to use the fire hyrant.
And some tricks of wine bottling.
To round up a busy day, my papa cooked us a healthy and delicious dinner. Look at the big bowl of broccoli, meat balls and mushrooms; well, it was all gone at the end of the meal. Thanks, papa!
Claire-claire had an enjoyable time at the farm feeding the animals, kicking pebbles and running around. When it was time to go, Claire-claire felt a little sad, but thankfully more fun awaits. Tell you more about it soon.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Singing Barney Lantern
At first, my mama did not like it because the Barney lantern sings very badly. Thankfully, my papa saved the day by turning off the bad singing permanently. Then, we're all happy again!

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Two or Three?
No matter, two or three, Claire-claire get to enjoy special birthday noodles made by mama. Yummy!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Longans on a swing
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Too big for diapers!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Go Japanese!
We went Japanese last Sunday, and to my papa's and mama's delight, Claire-claire love Japanese food, from chashyu ramen, to chawanmushi to unagi don!
Maybe we can visit Japan for a holiday.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Dancing with flags
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The little shopper
So, we looked at toys, musical instuments, bags and clothes. How does this bag look on me?
Finally, after an hour, we bought something. My mama says shopping is no fun unless we buy something in the end! Claire-claire agrees with her, especially when you don't have to carry the shopping.
Monday, July 14, 2008
A rural adventure

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Saturday, a day for errands
See, here's me before the haircut. And in the next picture, after the haircut.

What a busy day! Can't wait for dinner...Claire-claire's papa brought us for Italian. It was a good start with a nice warm chicken soup, but that's all. There was the artichokes and olives pizza which Claire-claire gave a wide berth. As for Spaghetti Bolognaise, well, the noodles are quite fun to play with - for awhile.
Now, finally some real food....milk!
My papa thinks Claire-claire has very cheena tastes. Give Claire-claire her milk, mee tai mak (it's a kind of noodles) and porridge anyday. Pizzas and spaghetti? Perhaps another time.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Happy Birthday, Yi Yi!
Claire-claire always enjoys the food at good Chinese restaurants, and here too! From the unsweetened chrysanthemum tea... pieces of lightly salted, but extremely delicious roast pork, and all time favourite, corn on the cob!
After a scrumptious lunch, Claire-claire clapped hands and sang birthday song. My Yi-yi tried to get Claire-claire to help blow the candles, but Claire-claire is too shy..
Monday, June 9, 2008
Sausage boat
This is my sausage boat, but it is quite difficult to manoeuvre. Claire-claire is trying again and again...