Monday, July 20, 2009


David was baptised last Sunday. We become children of God when we are baptised.

David was dressed in white, symbolising purity. My mama made me wear a lovely white dress to match David. My mama thinks we looked angelic!

There were many babies in church, but David was very well-behaved. He slept through most of it and only woke up twice: when Fr Mike made the sign of the cross on his chest with chrism oil...

and when he was baptised with water.

And who is David's Godpa? Here he is!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Eating rice cereal

Can rice cereal be as delicious as David makes it look?
Maybe Claire-claire will try some.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Adult food

David thinks he is a big boy. He has been looking at the food we are eating with much interest. So, Ah Ma tried to feed him some potato and carrots last week. But, David is a small baby and has not learnt how to eat from a spoon.

Today, Ah Ma give him some rice cereal. Gosh! David has learnt the trick of swallowing food. He thoroughly enjoyed it and cried when he finished it. It's ok, David. Claire-claire will ask Ah Ma to make more rice cereal for you tomorrow.