My mama suspects it is not typical to bring young kiddos to France for a vacation. In this trip, there were no museums, no shopping for Louis Vuitton, no Michelin star restaurants and no chateau hopping, but yes to hurried meals, yes to carousel, yes to very early morning walks with jet-lagged David and Claire.
Did we enjoy ourselves? David and I did. I think my papa and mama too, except that they probably need another holiday to recover from this one.
But we did see some famous sights. We were at Champs de Mar but were more interested in playing in the big park and by the small pond nearby than Eiffel Tower itself. Can you tell where we were? Not I.
My papa and I also went to Les Invalides. Yes, only the two of us. Isn't that a special treat? David and my mama were
still sleeping in the wee hours of that morning. I woke up early that morning and my papa didn't want our neighbours to knock on our door they did the morning before when David woke up at 3am and cried for two hours.
It was more enjoyable when we moved from the hotel to the countryside. There was a trampoline, a swing, open spaces to run, chickens and a rabbit to feed. We also have our little corner with toys and books.
What's more, David and I got to eat some decent food at last. No more hard baguettes, biscuits or steaks, but delicious porridge and rice with seaweed.
What did we there? Jump on the trampoline, pick stones, play house, gardening and feeding chickens.
For me, it was an unforgettable vacation. And, my mama agrees.