My mama says that David is a difficult little boy on Mondays. Perhaps all that weekend "gai-gai's" are contributing to David's Monday blues. He cries alot and refuses to sleep in his rocking chair. My mama has to carry him to sleep. This is David on Mondays.

On Tuesdays, things get just a wee bit better.

David is much happier on Wednesdays. So is my mama. She can leave him lying alone on the bed or in his favourite green rocking chair for awhile.

By Thursday, David gets used to the stay-at-home routine. So, he is more cooperative and well-behaved.
David is on his best behaviour on Fridays. Of course, this is when my mama is the happiest. She can leave him in his favourite green chair for hours!
Boy, can't it be Friday everyday? Claire-claire is happy when my mama is happy.
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