Friday, April 15, 2011

Time with David

My mummy says that David probably spend the most time with me. On weekdays, we're together at home and at Ah Ma's house. We're only apart when I'm at school. On weekends, we're also together.

What do we do together? Well, busloads full of things. We spend a lot of time playing, singing, quarreling, dancing, reading, arguing, drawing, cooking, colouring, fighting, building, fishing, snacking...

My mummy thinks that he is picking up things and habits from me too. Both good and bad. And I'm only going to tell you the good things.

1. David knows his numbers and most of his alphabets.
2. David jumps very well on the trampoline.
3. David can wear his own shoes and shorts. He needs some help with his shirts though...
4. David sings and dances very well.
5. David wants to be a princess when he grows up, just like me!
6. David reads lots of books, but he sometimes is frightened when we reach the scary parts..just like me!
7. David tries to keep our toys together.
8. David eats on his own if Ah Ma and mummy are serving his favourite food.
9. David knows the days of the week in a song.
10. David can spell his name...with some help.

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