Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Friday everyday

My mama says that David is a difficult little boy on Mondays. Perhaps all that weekend "gai-gai's" are contributing to David's Monday blues. He cries alot and refuses to sleep in his rocking chair. My mama has to carry him to sleep. This is David on Mondays.

On Tuesdays, things get just a wee bit better.
David is much happier on Wednesdays. So is my mama. She can leave him lying alone on the bed or in his favourite green rocking chair for awhile.

By Thursday, David gets used to the stay-at-home routine. So, he is more cooperative and well-behaved.
David is on his best behaviour on Fridays. Of course, this is when my mama is the happiest. She can leave him in his favourite green chair for hours!

Boy, can't it be Friday everyday? Claire-claire is happy when my mama is happy.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Kids' Run

My mama thinks that Claire-claire runs very fast. She says she can't keep up with me, and sometimes neither can my papa. She was very excited this morning when she saw the Cold Storage Kids' Run advertisement in the newspaper. She asked if Claire-claire wants to go.

My papa says that Claire-claire will have to wear my my runner's T shirt, my Oscar the Grouch running shoes (if they're not too small by then) and a number bib. There will be lots of boys and girls running too. And maybe balloons too. And maybe ice-cream too.

Wow! Balloons and ice-cream are definitely worth going for. Ok then, Claire-claire will go for this run and let's start counting down!

Monday, March 23, 2009

At the beach

Last Saturday morning, my papa brought us to the beach. There were lots of big boys and girls learning how to row a boat there. My mama let me have a go in one of them. It's really fun, especially as Claire-claire has a new book about boats.

Not only were there boats to play in, there were aeroplanes to look at. Claire-claire put on my mama's sunglasses to see them better.

Then, my papa brought me nearer to sea to look at the waves. To keep my feet dry, Claire-claire had to run with my papa whenever the waves come too close. My mama thinks that this is an improvement for me as Claire-claire didn't make a fuss about the sand. About a year ago, Claire-claire had to be coaxed to step onto the sand.

After a long time there, it got too uncomfortable for David. And so, we made our way back.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Curious boy

Claire-claire thinks that David is a curious boy. This is how he looks like most times.

Happy birthday, Ah Ma!

We celebrated my Ah Ma's birthday's on Thursday.

Ah Ma's favourite colour is red, so Claire-claire made her a red birthday card and gave her a red present. Happy birthday, Ah Ma!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Basketball is like fun!

Is Claire-claire doing it right?

End of school term party

Claire-claire had my first end of school term party last Saturday. So on Friday evening, we made agar-agar for Claire-claire's friends. Claire-claire helped to put in the fruits cocktail and checked that they set properly. My mama said that we have to keep it in the fridge so that they will be ready to eat tomorrow.

Finally, Saturday came. Unlike other days, Claire-claire had to dress up - as a doctor. My mama says that it is like a fancy dress party. When we were there, Claire-claire made my own party hat and pom-pom. See me hard at work.

Ready or not, here comes Claire!

Do you see all the yummy snacks? Claire-claire can't wait. But, Claire-claire had to collect my end-of-term certificate first. Thank you Teacher Sue!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Two's better than one

David was recently caught sucking his fingers. Not just his thumb, but his pointer too.

My papa and my mama are worried. This is the last of my bad habits that they want David to pick up.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Growing up too fast

My papa and my mama thinks that Claire-claire is growing up too fast.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Fruit & veggie stamps

Claire-claire loves to eat fruits and veggies. I didn't know that they can be fun too!

First, Claire-claire chose my paint colours and squeezed them into containers. My mama added some water and asked me to blend them. Using fruits and veggie stamps, Claire-claire painted three colourful pictures.

My mama is happy that Claire-claire enjoyed this painting session and is even happier that Claire-claire learnt about shapes too.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Play ball soon?

David is getting bigger. He is a 6 kg two month old boy. My ah-ma says that he is cuddly like a ball.

Does this mean David can play ball with Claire-claire soon?