Sunday, January 10, 2010

Stop sucking thumb stars

I have a very bad habit which my papa and mama have been trying very hard to get me to kick.

I suck my thumb. And I suck it so hard that I have a hard blister on it.

So my mama told me that for every night that I didn’t suck my thumb, I get a star. And when I have collected ten stars, I get to buy something of my choice. I made a card, with my mama’s help, to paste all my stop-sucking-thumb stars.

See this heart-shaped Mickey Mouse balloon? This is what I got for my first ten stars!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sam, it's the same thing I did for Esther's pacifier. Collect folded stars and fill up one bottle, and she can redeem a princess toy! The method worked and she was totally off within 1 week!
